Nachhaltiger Tierschutz in Portugal

Tiny Shelter Albufeira


Nur Mut!

Hilf Tieren.
Adoptiere sie!


Welcome dear animal lovers.

This is the website of the “Associação Tiny Shelter”, i.e. the small, donation-based animal shelter run by Isabel Searle near Albufeira in the Portuguese Algarve.

Isabel has stood for sustainable animal welfare with her volunteers for decades and fights tirelessly to improve the situation of as many animals as possible in Portugal. Sometimes it seems like a drop in the bucket, but a steady drop wears away the stone. We are convinced that only by working on the ground can the dogs be helped in the long term. Even after many years of animal welfare work, there is still a lot to do, countless furry noses still find their way to the shelter, which is financed purely by donations. The Tiny Shelter welcomes anyone who wants to help bring a little relief to Isabel and the dogs through donations of any kind.

Especially now that the shelter has to move again.(You can find all information about the move here).

Get an impression of this heartfelt project and the animals and people involved here. Because you know: Animal welfare is community work and only together we are strong and can make a difference!

Want to help the Tiny Shelter move?

Bank transfer

Jeder Euro hilft!

Recipient: Associação Tiny Shelter

IBAN: PT50 0045 7012 4035 5812 4230 6


Bank: Crédito Agrícola


PayPal Logo

If you prefer to donate via PayPal, Isabel and the dogs are happy about every Euro.

The email address for this is: [email protected]

Or you can click on the button below, which will take you directly to PayPal.


Direkt zu PayPal


Teaming Mikrospenden

Tiny Shelter Teaming-Gruppe


Are you looking for a new animal family member?

Maybe there is one among our protégés?
Schau Dir unser "Zuhause gesucht" Album auf unserer Facebook-Seite an und lass Dich von einem unserer Schützlinge verzaubern.

Schau Dir unser ″Zuhause gesucht″ Album auf unserer Facebook-Seite an und lass Dich von einem unserer Schützlinge verzaubern.

Jeder Euro hilft!

For the many dogs in need, every euro is really helpful! Whether it’s a one-time payment or a standing order, every penny helps.

Übernimm eine Patenschaft.

Take over a sponsorship!

Jede Spende hilft!

Food? Toy? Linen? Collars? Harnesses? Beds? Ceilings? The dogs are always very happy about any donation in kind!

Werde Volunteer!

As a volunteer on site sleep in the caravan and help with the care of the dogs? Cuddling included! Please contact us if you are interested.

Do you have a question? Then just write to us!

Contact Form EN